News & Views


11 October 2019

We’re proud to be partnering with this year’s Independent Schools Show to curate a bespoke strand of sessions focused on the trends, issues and choices affecting children...

Academic Excellence

9 October 2019

Jorge Calvo Martin, IT Manager and Leader of Digital Technology Projects at Colegio Europeo de Madrid in Spain, has created a brand-new app using artificial intelligence to...


30 September 2019

On Friday 27th September, we celebrated our first-ever Global Be Well Day. Every one of our 75 schools collapsed the curriculum in order to focus solely on...


17 September 2019

Camp Asia, Singapore’s leading holiday camp provider, has been delivering action- and fun-packed activities at Australian International School (AIS) and Stamford American International School (SAIS) for children...


13 September 2019

Cognita is proud to welcome Colegio Maxi in Brazil into our global family of schools. Colegio Maxi becomes our 75th school worldwide and our 16th in Latin...


6 September 2019

A group of students from Quinton House School, Meoncross School and Hydesville Tower School spent a life-changing summer in Tanzania on Cognita UK’s first-ever joint schools’ expedition....

Academic Excellence

1 September 2019

Danuta Tomasz, Director of Education, UK, at Cognita warns against taking ‘no pain, no gain’ too far when it comes to students’ learning. We as educators cannot...


21 August 2019

Students at our British Curriculum schools in the UK and Spain are celebrating another successful year of strong GCSE and A Level results. In the UK, Cognita...


13 August 2019

We are delighted to announce that North Bridge House will be expanding to include a nursery and pre-prep school in West Hampstead in September 2020. “As North...

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